
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Holy Habits Happen

Getting to know you has been a true joy to both Rhonda and myself.  We have enjoyed this amazing journey during the second session of (in)couragers as we have all locked arms and traversed this winding path together - sometimes bumpy - but always true and faithful. 

We so hope that our time together drew you in, as it did us, closer to the feet of Jesus. 

We connected through the Holy Spirit, learning from one another with healthy conversation about how to grow our faith, let down our guard, and just let Jesus take over our lives.  Haven't we had some wonderful times together praying, crying, laughing and just being awe-inspired by the encouragement that has been born through our connection? I think if I had to summarize a central thing we learned together it would be this;  Holy habits happen on purpose.  As I re-read our entire session postings this evening, I began to see a developing theme through our posts, comments, bible verses, beautiful graphics, prayers for one another.  And that was that living for Jesus can be messy, and sticky and hard.  But encouraging one another through some of life's hardest battles, you shared what had worked on your journey with one another, and the bottom line - just about every time - was that disciplining ourselves with Holy habits - like prayer time, and worship time, and Bible study time - was what held us together in our otherwise fragile and sometimes crazy lives.

We, as a group of God's girls over 50, have made the Savior smile! 

When conversations keep God at the center, it is always sure to be a blessing and to bless others.  All of you who participated have truly tugged upon our heartstrings with your transparent love for Jesus, and as relationships began to develop within the group, so many of us have grown, gleaned and gathered the grace of the One who gave His life that we might live.

So what happens next? Good question! We will begin the next session sometime in the Fall when our regular schedule begins (we will certainly let you know the date as soon as we have it). We would like to encourage you to post on the blog page  under the "friends" tab at where you can even create your own page; and feel free to continue to post on the Facebook Group Page as you always have. We won't be following the regular schedule that we have been using, but we will stop by from time to time to post as well.  We also plan to host another Spreecast in June and hope you will watch your inbox for a special invitation to join us - wouldn't it be joyous if all of us could get together via webcam for an hour and share something special for Jesus?

Rhonda and I have learned so much about how to shepherd a flock during this session.  Like baking a cake, we have learned that it's just the right ingredients that keep everyone engaged.  It's the perfect amount of love, discipline, prayer, and connection that form a group that presents a sweet-smelling savor to our King!  Thank you so much for the large amount of grace you extended to us as your leaders.

If you feel like this is YOUR (in)courage group, and we sure hope you do, please plan on staying with us as we move slowly, informally, through the Summer, and then another kickoff re-introduction in the Fall with Session Three.  

We hope that you have been drawn to the well over the past session and that you gathered a thirst for the Living Water on our journey.  Our cups are overflowing with true admiration for those who have stepped up and encouraged others by using your gifts and talents in this small body of Christ.  What an amazing group of women you are - women with Holy habits - and what a true honor and blessing it has been to have been a part of it.  Thank you for allowing us the privilege of getting to know you this session - you truly have given us more joy for our journey!

Looking forward to 'seeing' you in June at the Spreecast,


  1. thank YOU both what a blessing!!!

  2. This has definitely been my (in)courage group......thank you, thank you, thank you.....I look forward to starting up with you all again in September as well as continuing with the present site until then. Thank you Tracy and Rhonda!!!

    1. Sharon Snyder
      I'm not sure how you go about using anything other than Anonymous

    2. I think you have to establish a google account or disque account, etc Sharon to not be "Anonymous". I am just so glad that you joined the group and found community here. Thanks for being my friend. =]
